Welcome! We are a Kingston, Ontario based lab that develops efficient solutions for materials we all use everyday. In conjunction with Queen’s University we are proud to be making advances in the areas of economically viable recycling processes for fibre reinforced plastics.
In 2019 Jeosal Materials Research Corporation was fortunate to be recognized by the Canadian Plastics Innovation Challenge, specifically for our research into Fibreglass (GFRP) recycling. We are developing real-world recycling solutions for the 10,000’s of watercraft that end up in Canadian landfills and waterways every year. These rigid, fibreglass hulls are notoriously difficult to recycle and to date no economically viable process has been developed to recycle them. Through this National program our amazing team has discovered methods to recycle the raw materials and find uses for them in sporting goods, electronics and automotive sectors.
The Government of Canada estimates that over 43,000 fibreglass vessels reach the end of their life cycle every year. Most of these end up in local landfills and even in our waterways.